Monday, September 9, 2013

About the Test

I did not think the test was as terrible as everyone said it was going to be, but it was certainly more difficult than any test we took in last year's history class. The questions were a lot more specific and some of them I had to just completely guess on. It was challenging because there was a lot of information in those six chapters and it is impossible to memorize it all. But the test was definitely a good wake up call; this class will not be an easy class and I will make sure to go over more specific facts for next time, not just get the general idea of the chapters. As for the essay, I did not think I did that bad- at least, I didn't completely blank out during the period! It was helpful to know what the essay would be so I could prepare specifically for that. Once I get my essay back, I will look over my grade and see what needs to be improved, then remember it when writing my next one.

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