Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Gathas for class activity

1. In the first Gatha, the author gives moral advice to the reader. He passes along the message of the "Wise Creator", and the sacred Truth. He says you can reach Heaven through truth. He tells the reader to listen and reflect to his advice, and let each person choose for himself his own path. In the beginning there were two spirits: Good and Evil. The author says to chooss wisely between the two. Followers of evil will have the worst existence, and the righteous will have the best. Those who would please Ahura Mazda (their god) would be those who had faith in the truth. Meanwhile, the followers of evil did not choose wisely. They tried to destroy life with violence. The soul will be with Armaity, the spirit of Benevolence and Right-mindedness, if it passes through the test of truth.
The main message of this hymn is to be good, not evil. The author then goes on to describe that if you are evil, you will suffer for it, while if you are good, you will be rewarded.

2. When the evil ones are finally punished, the good shall go to Heaven! So, the author says that everyone should make the world a better place. He prays that Mazda and the Divine Spirits will help everyone find the right path to Truth. Those who reject this Truth shall be punished, while those who accept it shall be received in the promised place. 
The main message of this hymn is to follow the Truth of Good, and if you do this then Mazda will help and reward you. The Lord has given orders for happiness and pain, and you should choose the path of good.

3. The Judge will be perfectly fair in dealing judgement to the good, the evil, and those who are both. The author says that if a man actively opposes evil and constantly chooses good, no matter who he is,he will dwell in the realm of the Good Mind. The author then says that he himself is one of these good followers of Truth, who keeps evil away from Mazda. So, he appeals to Mazda directly, to bless him with wisdom and vision,
The main message of this hymn is about the author and how he works to be a follower of Truth. Therefore, he writes this hymn to appeal to Mazda Ahura, asking to meet with the Wise Lord.

4. In this hymn, the author asks for acceptance and blessing. He asks that everyone be allowed to advance to Mazda and promote the Truth. He humbly says that all expressions of life come to the people through Mazda's divine power. He asks the Lord to be gracious, and describes how he has purpose through devotion and purity through Mazda's Spirit. He asks to be wise and open minded, and inspired by the Truth. Zarathushtra dedicates the works of his life and his very self to the Lord Mazda.

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