Monday, September 9, 2013

Response #2

To Olivia Varghese- Hi Olivia! Your poster is very simple and easy to follow. You are also quite a talented artist. I like your drawing of a cow. It is very cute. However, I dont think your poster pops enough. It needs color!! Also, if you drew the stuff on the outside a little bigger, that probably would have worked better. My society was India. India and Mesopotamia are similar in their patriarchal societies. I can tell Mesopotamia was a patriarchy because you drew a very nice picture of a woman wearing a veil. One difference is the writing. India did not have much written work, where it is clear from your picture that Mesopotamia did. One question I have for you is how does a drawing of a family relate to the theme of "Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of Economic Systems?" Your pal, Anjali

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