Monday, September 9, 2013

Response to History Head poster

To Arvind Pasupuleti - Your poster is very nice and organized. I like how each picture is neatly printed and detailed. Each picture also relates to the theme very nicely. However, I do not understand the pictures for theme 2. However, every other picture is very clear how it corresponds with the themes. The only thing is you weren't supposed to use words and the picture for Theme 5 outside the head includes titles. My society was India. India is similar to Mesoamerica in terms of the way humans interacted with the environment. They cut down trees and cleared land for agriculture. An interesting difference betwee India and Mesoamerica is the tradition of blood letting. Mesoamericans had this major part of their culture, where in India it was not so violent. One question I have is why you show Europeans meeting with Native Americans for theme 4 inside the head- I thought that happened much much later, like in the 1400s AD?

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